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- ladder
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- Car accessories
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- Kits of trifles
- Hand & special tools
- Tool Storage & org.
- Padlocks & locks
- Mounts / Fixation / Grips
- cutting tool
- Grinding tools
- Metal brushes
- Disc-shaped brushes
- Building tools
- Tiling tools
- tapes
- Painting tools
- Pencils & Highlighter
- Drills & Sets
- Core drills & Core drill sets
- Door and Gate fittings
- Measuring tools
- Work safety
- Chimney Cleaning
- Sewer cleaning
- lamps
- Accessories for the house
- Construction chemistry
- bags
- Tree stems
- Electric appliances
- Garden
- Snow shovels
Smilšu strūklu pistole max 10bar. 4/5/6/7mm
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Pneimatiskā pistole bez tvertnes.
Paredzēts tādu elementu apstrādei kā tērauds, korozija, krāsa vai stikla matējums.
Komplektā ietilpst 4 uzgaļi ar dažādu atomizācijas pakāpi (4, 5, 6, 7 mm).
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Aprīkots ar āķi pakāršanai.
Produkts atbilst visiem Eiropas CE standartiem.
¼” savienotāja stiprinājums.